
Dr Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk (IO PAN)

Prof. Hans Petter Leinaas (UiO)

Prof. Dag Olav Hessen (UiO)

Dr Martin-A. Svenning (NINA)

Dr Paul Renaud (APN NIVA)

Dr Sławomir Kwaśniewski (IO PAN)

Joanna Pawłowska (IO PAN)

Prof. Jan Marcin Węsławski (IO PAN)

Dr Katarzyna Błachowiak-Samołyk (IO PAN)

Barbara Górska (IO PAN)

Dr Piotr Kukliński (IO PAN)

Dr Joanna Legeżyńska (IO PAN)

Mikołaj Mazurkiewicz (IO PAN)

Joanna Piwowarczyk (IO PAN)

Anna Stępień (IO PAN)

Emilia Trudnowska (IO PAN)

Dr Marek Zajączkowski (IO PAN)

Krzysztof Zawierucha (Uniwersytet Poznański)

Kristian Alfsnes (UiO)

Magdalena Łącka (IO PAN)

Instytucje Partnerskie:

IO PAN -Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Uniwersytet w Oslo (UiO)

Akvaplan-niva (APN)

Norweski Instytut Badań Przyrody (NINA)

MWK Akvaplan-niva (APN) is an SME, employing 90 full-time staff members, that provides environmental research, laboratory and consultancy services to national and local authorities, private companies, research organizations and other customers worldwide. Research activities focus on boreal and Arctic regions, and are conducted in the fields of climate and ecosystems, ecotoxicology, biodiversity and taxonomy, environmental monitoring, and physical oceanography/modelling. These activities are often highly relevant to national and European environmental management agencies, and APN has close relationships in these regulatory bodies that are invaluable channels for communicating results. Research infrastructure includes a Benthic Analysis Laboratory, the TMY/Barents Sea Lab experimental facility, the Senja Aquaculture Centre, and Unilab Analyse, a subsidiary focused on environmental chemistry analyses.

Collaboration between APN and IO PAN has been strong for more than 20 years, particularly in the field of benthic communities in Arctic regions, and related to questions on ecosystem effects of climate change.APN is a founding member of the ARCTOS research network (www.arctosresearch.net), a consortium of university, governmental, and private institutions based in Tromsø Norway, and dedicated to furthering interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach on a pan-Arctic scale.

The Norwegian Polar Institute's office building in Tromsø (wikipedia commons)

View of the Museum Polaria in Tromsø (wikipedia commons)