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John Tyler Bonner, 2006, Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales. Princeton University Press. pp191.

Alan Hildrew, Dave Rafaelli, Ronni Edmonds-Brown, 2007, Body Size. The Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. pp 343

Robert Henry Peters, 1986, The Ecological Implications of Body Size, Cambridge University Press,

Knut Schmidt-Nielsen, 1984, Why is Animal Size so Important?, Cambridge University Press,

Thomas McMahon, John Tyler Bonner, 1983, On Size and Life, Scientific American Books - W. H. Freeman & Co., pp 255

James H. Brown, Geoffrey B. West, 2000, Scaling in Biology, Oxford University Press, pp366

Andrea Belgrano, Ursula M. Scarler, Jennifer Dunne, Robert E. Ulanowicz, 2005, Aquatic Food Webs. An Ecosystem Approach, Oxford University Press pp262.

S.R. Kerr, L.M. Dickie, 2001, The Biomass Spectrum. A Predator-Prey Theory of Aquatic Production Columbia University Press, pp320.

William A. Calder III, 1984, Size, Functions, and Life History, Harvard University Press, pp431

Felisa A. Smith, S. Kathleen Lyons, 2013, Animal Body Size. Linking Pattern and Process across Space, Time, and Taxonomic Group. pp280, University of Chicago Press.

Specjalistyczna literatura naukowa

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