

This web site was created within Arctic Ocean Diversity (ArcOD) project
and was financially supported by Polish Ministry of Science (project number: DPN/AD/1881/09 and 396/N-EOL-ENC/2009/0)

Laetmonice filicornis Kinberg, 1855

Laetmonice filicornis Kinberg, 1855
Laetmatonice Kinbergi Baird, 1865
Laetmatonice filicornis McIntosh, 1900
Laetmonice filicornis var. Kinbergi Chumley, 1918

Distinguishing characteristics
A scale-worm with a median antenna on a large base, a pair of non-pigmented eye stalks and a papillate facial tubercle.
Harpoon chaetae on segments with scales, capillaries with detritus form a layer of pseudo-felt.

Species description
A scale-worm with an elliptical body, 35 chaetigers and 20 pairs of scales. Prostomium round with a median antenna on a large base, a pair of non-pigmented eye stalks and a papillate facial tubercle. First segment well developed, directed forward with numerous capillary chaetae and a pair of dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri. Scales overlap, covering the body. First pair of scales are round, the rest round to rectangular. All scales with smooth margins and surfaces. Three types of notochaetae: fine capillaries (forming a thin layer of pseudo-felt with mucus and attached sand grains) and stout capillaries on segments without scales, harpoon chaetae on segments with scales. Neurochaetae of 2 kinds: stout, curved, unidentates with a prominent lower tooth and a row of filamentous hairs and laterally spinose chaetae.

Up to 40 mm.

Body and scales pale grey/white.

Sublittoral to 3500 m, on sponge or oyster grounds, stones, coral or muddy sand.


Deposit feeder, subsurface grazer.

Life cycle

North Atlantic up to West Indies, northern North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat and Ă–resund.
