Publications - 2007

  • Angel M.V., Błachowiak-Samołyk K., Drapun I., Castillo R. (2007) Changes in the composition of planktonic ostracod populations across a range of latitudes in the North-east Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography 73, 60-78.
  • Barnes DAK, Kukliński P., Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., 2007, Richness, abundance and shell use of subArctic and Arctic hermit crabs, Marine Biology 152, 1133-1142
  • Błachowiak-Samołyk K., Angel M.V. (2007) A year round comparative studies on the population structures of pelagic Ostracoda in the Admiralty Bay (Southern Ocean). Hydrobiologia, 585, 67-77.
  • Błachowiak-Samołyk K., Kwaśniewski S., Dmoch K., Hop H., Falk-Petersen S. (2007) Trophic structure of zooplankton in the Fram Strait in spring and autumn 2003. Deep-Sea Research, Part II, 54, 2716-2728.
  • Carlsen BP, Johnsen G, Berge J., Kukliński P., 2007, Biodiversity patterns of macro-epifauna on different lamina parts of Laminaria digitata and Saccharina latissima collected during spring and summer 2004 in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Polar Biol 30 (7): 939-943
  • Derous S, Agardy T., Hillewaert H, Hostens K, Jamieson G, Lieberknecht L, Mees J., Moulaert I, Olenin S, Paelinckx D, Rabaut M., Rachor E, Roff J., Stienen EWM., van der Wal JT., van Lancker V, Verfaillie E, Vincx M., Węsławski J.M., Degraer S, 2007 A concept for biological valuation in the marine environment, Oceanologia 49 (1): 99-128 (pdf)
  • d’Udekem d’Acoz C, Wader W, Legeżyńska J., 2007, On a new diminutive Rhachotropis species from the north Sea, with a key to european Rhachotropis (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Esutridae), Boll Mus Civ Stor Nat Verona 31, 31-50 (pdf)
  • Jakubas D, Wojczulanis K, Walkusz W, (2007): Response of Dovekie to Changes in Food Availability. Waterbirds, 30 (3): 421-428.
  • Kędra M., Murina GV, 2007, The sipunculan fauna of Svalbard, Polar Res, 26, 37-47 (pdf)
  • Kędra M., Walkusz W.: Global warming-driven biodiversity change: pelagic versus benthic domain. Arctic (79° N) case study. MARBEF Newsletter Nr 5, 23-24.
  • Kotwicki L., Węsławski J.M., Grzelak K, Wiktor J & Zajączkowski M., (2007) Island Biogeography Theory in Coastal Ecosystem Protection: The Baltic Sandy Shores, Coastline Reports 8, Schernewski, Glaeser, Scheibe, Sekscinska & Thamm (eds.): Coastal development: The Oder estuary and beyond, 257 – 263, ISSN 0928-2734, ISBN 978-3-9811839-0-0
  • Kukliński P., Bader B, 2007, Comparison of bryozoan assemblages from two contrasting Arctic shelf regions, Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 73 (3-4): 835-843
  • Kukliński P., Bader B, 2007, Diversity, structure and interactions of encrusting lithophyllic macrofaunal assemblages from Belgica Bank, East Greenland, Polar Biol 30 (6): 709-717
  • Kukliński P., Taylor PD, 2007, A new genus and some cryptic species of Arctic and boreal calloporid cheilostome bryozoans. Journal of marine Biological Association of the Uk, 73, 835-843
  • Kukliński P., Taylor PD, Denisenko N, 2007, Arctic cheilostome bryozoan species of the genus Escharoides, J Nat Hist 41 (1-4): 219-228
  • Majewski W, Zajączkowski M., 2007, Benthic foraminifera in Adventfjorden, Svalbard: Last 50 years of local hydrographic changes J Foram Res 37 (2): 107-124
  • Renaud, P.E., Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Trannum H., Holte B., Węsławski J.M., Cochrane S., Dahle S., Gulliksen B., 2007, Multidecadal stability of benthic community structure in a high-Arctic glacial fjord (van Mijenfjord, Spitsbergen), Polar Biology, 30, 295-305
  • Ronowicz M., 2007. Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Svalbard waters - biodiversity and distribution. J Mar Biol Ass UK, 87, 1089-1094.
  • Ronowicz M., Schuchert P, 2007, Halecium arcticum (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa), a new species of hydroid from Spitsbergen, Zootaxa 1549: 55-62
  • Stempniewicz L., Błachowiak-Samołyk K., Węsławski J.M. (2007) Impact of climate change on zooplankton communities, seabird populations and Arctic terrestrial ecosystem – a scenario. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 54, 2934-2433. (pdf)
  • Walkusz W., Kwaśniewski S., Dmoch K., Beszczynska–Möller A. (2007) A contribution to the knowledge of Arctic zooplankton durina variability (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). Polish Polar Research, 28 (1): 43-56.
  • Walkusz W. and Rolbiecki L, (2007) Epibionts (Paracineta) and parasites (Ellobiopsis) of copepods from Spitsbergen (Kongsfjorden area). Oceanologia, 49 (3): 369-380.
  • Węsławski J.M., Stempniewicz L, Kwaśniewski S. 2007 Konsekwencje zmiany klimatu dla morskiego ekosystemu Arktyki Europejskiej, 311-314, w "Zmiany klimatyczne w Arktyce i Antarktyce" Gdynia AM 2007, pod red. A. Styszynskiej i A. Marsza
  • Węsławski, J.M.; Kotwicki, L.; Wiktor, J.; Tatarek, A.; Grzelak, K. (2007). Shallow sandy sublittoral: the ecological treasure of the southern Baltic Sea. MarBEF Newsletter 6: 19
  • Willis KJ., Cottier FR, Kwaśniewski S (2007) Impact of warm water advection on the winter zooplankton community in an Arctic fjord. Polar Biology DOI 10.1007/s00300-007-0373-0.
  • Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., 2007, Molluscs in Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen, Svalbard): a species list and patterns of distribution and diversity, Polar Research, 26, 48-63
  • Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Kedra, M.,. 2007. Surrogacy in natural patterns of benthic distribution and diversity: selected taxa versus lower taxonomic resolution. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 351, 53-63. (pdf)
  • Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Sicinski, J., Gromisz, S., Kendall, M.A., Dahle, S., 2007, Similar soft-bottom polychaete diversity in Arctic and Antarctic marine inlets, Marine Biology, 151, 607-616
  • Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Szymelfenig M., Zajączkowski M., 2007, Dynamic sedimentary environments of an Arctic glacier-fed river estuary (Adventfjorden, Svalbard). II. Meio- and macrobenthic fauna, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 74, 274-284
  • Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Węsławski, J.M., (in press), Mesoscale spatial structures of soft-bottom macrozoobenthos: physically controlled/impoverished versus biologically accommodated/diverse communities, Marine Ecology Progress Series
  • Wold A., Leu E., Walkusz W. and Falk-Petersen S. 2007 Lipids in different developmental stages of Calanus glacialis. Polar Biology, 30 (5): 655-658.
  • Zajączkowski M., Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., 2007, Dynamic sedimentary environments of an Arctic glacier-fed river estuary (Adventfjorden, Svalbard). I. Flux, deposition and dynamics of the sediment, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 74, 285-296