Hydrodynamics Modelling Unit

The People

Field of interest

Some results of research

        Baltic Sea:

 Recent publications

Jankowski A., (1996), Vertical water circulation in the southern Baltic Sea and its environmental implications.Oceanologia, No. 38 (4),
    485 - 503,  Abstract

Frischmuth K. and Jankowski A., (1996), On estimation of period of free oscillations (seiches) in the Kirrbucht. Oceanologia, No. 38 (4),
    505 -    528, Abstract
Jankowski A., (1998), Simulation of water circulation in the Baltic Sea for selected months from April to November. Rozprawy  i   monografie IO PAN,  No. 8, 1 - 165 (in Polish), Summary in English

Jankowski A. (2000), Wind -  induced variability of hydrological parameters in the coastal zone of the Southern Baltic Sea - numerical study. Oceanological Studies, (in press)

Herman A. and Jankowski A. (2001), Wind- and density-driven water circulation in the Southern Baltic Sea - a numerical analysis.
TASK Quarterly, vol. 5, No. 1, 29 - 58, 2001, Abstract

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Andrzej Jankowski <jankowsk@iopan.gda.pl.pl>, 31.05.2001