

This web site was created within Arctic Ocean Diversity (ArcOD) project
and was financially supported by Polish Ministry of Science (project number: DPN/AD/1881/09 and 396/N-EOL-ENC/2009/0)

Bylgides elegans (Théel, 1879)

Bylgia elegans Théel, 1879
Harmothoe sarsii forma occidentalis Malm,1874
Bylgides elegans Chamberlin, 1919
Harmothoe sarsi sarsi Auctt. non

Distinguishing characteristics
Prostomium bilobed, with a peak on each lobe, lateral antennae ventrally inserted.
Anterior pair of eyes on the line of greatest width.
Neuropodial chaetae very long, capillary tip, also a few stouter chaetae present.
Scales without microtubercles.

Species description
A scale-worm with 38 chaetigers. Prostomium bilobed with distinct or poorly developed peaks, median and lateral antennae and a pair of long palps. Two pairs of eyes, anterior pair anterior to the line of greatest width, posterior pair in front of the rear margin. First segment bearing 1 to 4 chaetae and a pair of dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri. 15 pairs of scales with medial crescent-shaped pigmentation, smooth, with delicate papillae along border and scattered over the surface, without microtubercles. Notopodial chaetae with numerous rows of spines, some short, slightly curved, with short bare tips and some longer, straight. Neuropodial chaetae numerous, mostly very long, filamentous with a long spinose part and capillary tips. Also a few stouter chaetae present. Pygidium with dorsal anus and a pair of anal cirri

Up to 68 mm for 38 chaetigers.

Dorsum with greyish green to brown middorssaly, with brown pigment along sides.

From 9 to 382 m.


Carnivore. Omnivore.

Life cycle

Circumpolar, Kara Sea to Skagerrak, deep Koster Channel. Panarctic shelf species.
