Publications - 2012

  • Baczewska, A., Błachowiak-Samołyk K.., Angel, M.V., 2012. Distribution of pelagic Ostracoda inhabiting Svalbard waters (76o36-81o50N). Hydrobiologia 688:75–92.
  • Bates N., Orchowska M.I., Garley R., Mathis J. (2012) Seasonal calcium carbonate undersaturation in shelf waters of the Western Arctic Ocean; how biological processes exacerbate the impact of ocean acidification, Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 14255–14290, 2012; doi:10.5194/bgd-9-14255-2012
  • Borszcz T., 2012 Echinoids as substrates for encrustation – review and quantitative analysis. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, vol. 82: 139–149
  • Borszcz T., Kukliński P., Taylor PD 2012. Patterns of magnesium content in Arctic bryozoan skeletons along a depth gradient. Polar Biology (in press)
  • Borszcz T., Kukliński P., Zaton M. 2012 Encrustation patterns on Late Cretaceous (Turonian) echinoids from southern Poland. FACIES., in press
  • Brown, Z.E., Welcker,J., Harding, A.M.A., Walkusz, W., Karnovsky, N.J., 2012. Divergent diving behavior during short and long trips of a bimodal forager, the little auk Alle alle. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 001–012.
  • Carstensen, J., Weydmann, A., 2012. Tipping points in the Arctic: Eyeballing or statistical significance? AMBIO 41:34–43.
  • Carstensen, J., Weydmann, A., Olszewska, A., Kwaśniewski, S., 2012. Effects of environmental conditions on the biomass of Calanus spp. in the Nordic Seas. Journal of Plankton Research 34: 951-966.
  • De Broyer, C., Danis, B., with 64 SCAR-MarBIN Taxonomic Editors [including Błachowiak-Samołyk, K.], 2012. How many species in the Southern Ocean? Towards a dynamic inventory of the Antarctic marine species. Deep Sea Research II 58:5–17.
  • K.L. Foster, G.A. Stern, M.A. Pazerniuk, B. Hickie, W. Walkusz, F. Wang, R.W. Macdonald. Mercury Biomagnification in Marine Zooplankton Food Webs in Hudson Bay. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2012, 46 (23), pp 12952–12959 DOI: 10.1021/es303434p
  • Grzelak K., Kotwicki L. Meiofaunal distribution in Hornsund fjord, Spitsbergen. Polar Biology (2012), 35:269-280
    Iglikowska, A., Namiotko, T., 2012. The impact of environmental factors on diversity of Ostracoda in freshwater habitats of subarctic and temperate Europe. Ann. Zool. Fennici 49:193-218.
  • Iglikowska, A., Namiotko, T., 2012. The non-marine Ostracoda of Lapland: changes over the past century. J. Limnol. 71(2): 1-8.
  • Kedra M., Kulinski K, Walkusz W, Legeżyńska J., 2012, The shallow benthic food web structure in the high Arctic does not follow seasonal changes in the surrounding environment, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 114: 183–191
  • Kedra M., Renaud PE, Andrade H, Goszczko I, Ambrose Jr. WG, 2013, Benthic community structure, diversity and productivity in the shallow Barents Sea bank (Svalbard Bank), Marine Biol, DOI: 10.1007/s00227-012-2135-y
  • Kwaśniewski S. Głuchowska M., Walkusz W., Karnovsky NJ., Jakubas D., Wojczulanis-Jakubas K., Harding AMA., Goszczko I., Cisek M., Beszczyńska-Moeller A., Walczowski W., Węsławski J.M.,., Stempniewicz L. 2012 Interannual changes in zooplankton on the West Spitsbergen Shelf in relation to hydrography and their consequences for the diet of planktivorous seabirds ICES Journal of Marine Science; doi:10.1093/icesjms/fss076
  • Kwaśniewski S., Walkusz W., Cottier F., Leu E., (2012). Mesozooplankton dynamics in relation to food availability during spring and early summer in a high latitude glaciated fjord (Kongsfjorden), with focus on Calanus. Journal of Marine Systems. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.09.012.
  • Ledoux, J.-B., Tarnowska, K., Gerard, K., Lhuillier, E., Jacquemin, B., Weydmann, A., Feral, J.-P., Chenuil, A., 2012. Fine-scale spatial genetic structure in the brooding sea urchin Abatus cordatus suggests vulnerability of the Southern Ocean marine invertebrates facing global change. Polar Biology 35:611–623.
  • Legeżyńska, M. Kedra and W. Walkusz, 2012, When season does not matter: summer and winter trophic ecology of Arctic amphipods, Hydrobiologia, 684:189–214
  • Meier, M. H. E., H.C. Andersson, B. Arheimer, T. Blenckner, B. Chubarenko, C. Donnelly, K. Eilola, B.G. Gustafsson, A. Hansson, J. Havenhand, A. Höglund, I. Kuznetsov, B.R. MacKenzie, B. Müller-Karulis, T. Neumann, S. Niiranen, J. Piwowarczyk, U. Raudsepp, M. Reckermann, T. Ruoho-Airola, O.P. Savchuk, F. Schenk, S. Schimanke, G. Väli, J.M. Węsławski, E. Zorita. 2012. Comparing reconstructed past variations and future projections of the Baltic Sea ecosystem—first results from multi-model ensemble simulations. Environ. Res. Lett. 7 034005 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/034005.
  • Piwowarczyk J., A. Hansson, M. Hjerpe, B. Chubarenko, K. Karmanov. 2012, Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region: A Cross-Country Analysis of Institutional Stakeholder Perceptions. AMBIO 41: 645–655.
  • Pucko, M., Stern, G.A., Macdonald, R.W., Barber, D.G., Rosenberg, B., Walkusz, W., 2012. When will a-HCH disappear from the western Arctic Ocean? J. Mar. Syst. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.09.007.
  • Sokolowski A., Wolowicz M., Asmus H, Asmus R, Carlier A., Gasiunaité Z, Grémare A., Hummel H, Lesutiené J., Razinkovas A., Renaud PE, Richard P, Kedra M., 2012. Is benthic food web structure related to diversity of macrobenthic communities? Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, 108: 76 – 86
  • Stelzenmüller V., P. Breen, F. Thomsen, F. Badalamenti, A. Borja, L. Buhl-Mortensen, J. Carlstöm, G. D’Anna, N. Dankers, S. Degraer, M. Dujin, F. Fiorentino, I. Galparsoro, M. Gristina, K. Johnson, P.J.S. Jones, S. Katsanevakis, L. Knittweis, R. Kyrriazi, C. Pipitone, J. Piwowarczyk, M. Rabaut, T. Sorensen, J. van Dalfsen, V. Vassilopoulou, T. Vega, M. Vincx, S. Vöge, A. Weber, N. Wijkmark, R. Jak, W. Qiu, R. ter Hofstede. 2013. Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas: A generic framework for implementation of ecosystem based marine management and its application. Marine Policy 37: 149-164.
  • Tatarek, A., Wiktor, J.,., Kendall, M.A., 2012. The sublittoral macroflora of Hornsund”. Polar Research 31: 18900.
  • Trudnowska, E., Szczucka, J., Hoppe, L., Boehnke, R., Hop, H., Błachowiak-Samołyk K.., 2012. Multidimensional zooplankton observations on the northern West Spitsbergen Shelf. Journal of Marine Systems 98-99:18-25.
  • Walkusz, W., Majewski, A., Reist, J.D., 2012. Distribution and diet of the bottom dwelling Arctic cod In the Canadian Beaufort Sea. J. Mar. Syst. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.04.004.
  • Walkusz, W., Williams, W.J., Harwood, L.A., Moore, S.E., Stewart, B.E., Kwaśniewski S., (2012). Composition, biomass and energetic content of biota in the vicinity of feeding bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the Cape Bathurst upwelling region (south eastern Beaufort Sea). Deep-Sea Research I 69: 25–35.
  • Walkusz, W., Williams, W.J., Kwaśniewski S., (2012). Vertical distribution of mesozooplankton in the coastal Canadian Beaufort Sea in summer. Journal of Marine Systems doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.01.001.
  • Węsławski J.M., Kędra M., Przytarska J., Kotwicki L., Ellingsen I., Skardhamar J., Renaud P., Goszczko I., 2012. A huge biocatalytic filter in the centre of Barents Sea shelf? Oceanologia, 54 (2): 325-335
  • Węsławski J.M., Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Kędra M., Legeżyńska J., Kotwicki L., 2012, Eight species that rule today’s European Arctic fjord benthos Polish Polar Research; vol. 33, no. 3: 225–238
  • Weydmann, A., Søreide, J.E., Kwaśniewski S., Widdicombe, S., 2012. Influence of CO2-induced acidification on the reproduction of a key Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 428:39–42.
  • Williams, S. T., Hall A., Kukliński, P.. 2012. Utility of elliptical fourier descriptors of shell shape for distinguishing cryptic taxa in the genus gastropod genus Lunella (Turbinidae). American Malacological Bulletin 30: 189-206.
  • Włodarska-Kowalczuk M.,., Renaud P.E., Węsławski J.M.,., Cochrane S.K.J., Denisenko S.G., 2012, Species diversity, functional complexity and rarity in arctic fjordic versus open shelf benthic system. Marine Ecology Progress Series 463:73-87
Diver's memoirs:
  • Saniewski M., Bałazy P., BORSZCZ T., Kukliński P., Saniewska D., Kostrzynska A. 2012. Spitsbergen- w krainie niedzwiedzi polarnych. Nuras, 35: 4-12.