Publications - 1996

  • Haque AM., Szymelfenig M., Węsławski J.M., 1996 Sandy littoral zoobenthos of Polish Baltic coast. Oceanologia 37
  • Luchetta A., Civitarese G, Schauers U, Socal G, Wiktor J., 1996 Identificazione di acque artiche ed atlantiche attraverso lo streto di Fram. AIOL, Genova, 11- 120
  • Sikora A., Zajączkowski M.,., Pempkowiak J. –1996 Heavy metals in marine sediments and biota of Spitsbergen, Oceanological Studies 25 (3), 97-109
  • Socal G, Wiktor J., Civitarese G.1996 Biomassa fitoplanctonica e nutrienti nel mare di Barents. AIOL. Genova, 121- 128
  • Włodarska M., Węsławski J.M., Gromisz S 1996 A comparison of the macrofaunal community structure and diversity in two arctic glacial bays - a “cold” one off Franz Josef Land and a “warm” one off Spitsbergen. Oceanologia 38, 251- 283 (pdf)
  • Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Janas U, Szaniawska A 1996 Hydrogen sulphide and other factors influencing the macrobenthic community structure in the Gulf of Gdansk. Oceanologia 38, 379- 39