Marta Słomińska
Department of Marine Ecology, Institute of Oceanology PAN
Powstańców Warszawy 55, 81-712 Sopot, POLAND
tel: (+ 48 58) 73 11 696
e-mail: slominska [at]

  • 2018 – present - PhD student at the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland.
  • 2016 – 2018 - Master degree in the field of oceanography. Thesis title: "The role of zoobenthic communities in the functioning of Puck Bay coastal biotopes"), Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, Specialization: Biological Oceanography, Specialty: Protection and Management of Marine Resources, University of Gdańsk, (Poland)
  • 2013 - 2016 - Bachelor degree in the field of oceanography. Thesis title: "Small snails, great importance", Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, Specialty: Biological Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, (Poland)
Scientific interests
  • Biodiversity of the Baltic Sea ecosystem
  • Community structure of macrozoobenthos
  • Macrofaunal functional traits
  • Marine ecosystem functioning
Professional experience
  • 2017 - Professional traineeship in the Pomeranian Complex of Landscape Parks – Wdzydze Landscape Park, financed by the program "NoZ – na Staż" organized by the University of Gdańsk (Poland).
  • 2015 - Student Internship in Gdynia Aquarium, National Marine Fisheries Research Institute (Gdynia, Poland).
Courses & Trainings
  • 2015 - "Tutoring and self-development - how to plan activities and use the Tutor support", Collegium Wratislaviense, (Hel, Poland).
  • 2014-2015 - Professional Program of Academic Tutoring on Faculty of Oceanography and Geography in the subject of marine biological diversity, University of Gdańsk (Poland).
  • 2014 - "Potential of the Pomeranian Voivodeship - natural values and species conservation" the Blue Academy Project of NMFRI Gdynia Aquarium (Gdynia, Poland).
Project Participation
  • 2018-present - Coastal Ecosystem functioning under different anthropogenic pressure - linking Benthic communities And biogeochemical Cycling in the southern Baltic Sea (COmEBACk) - Polish National Science Centre; project number: 2017/26/E/NZ8/00496.
  • 2015-2018 - "Nutrient cocktail in coastal zones of the Baltic Sea – improving understanding of the transformation and retention of nutrients and organic matter in the coastal zone" BONUS EEIG 185 COCOA, funded by UE and NCBR, BONUS-UE-2012-01/2014 from 03.02.2014.
  • 2016 - Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (Poland) for Outstanding Academic Achievements.
  • Słomińska, M. 2015. Creation of Conceptual Designs on the basis of the sentence: what I consider to be the most valuable in the nature of the Kępa Redłowska? (in Polish) W: [Red.] Bolałek J., Szymczak E., Sadoń-Osowiecka T., Good habits in the natural sciences (in Polish). Libron, Cracow, 129-134.
  • Słomińska, M. 2015. Are sharks important in marine environment? (in Polish), Tutoring Gedanensis - Journal of Tutee and Tutors, Vol. 1, 37-40.
Conference Presentations
  • Kendzierska H., Borecka A., Słomińska, M., Janas U. How benthic fauna may affect substance fluxes in coastal biotopes of the Gulf of Gdansk? 4th Annual BONUS COCOA Meeting, 23-26.01.2017, Warnemünde, Germany.
  • Janas U., Słomińska, M., Kendzierska H., Tykarska M. Essential role of the benthic fauna communities in the coastal biotopes of the Puck Bay. ICES Benthos Ecology Working Group (BEWG) Meeting, 8-12.05.2017, Gdynia, Poland.
  • Słomińska, M., Janas, U., Kendzierska, H. Functional diversity of Puck Bay - the role of macrofauna in ecosystem functioning. 8th YOUMARES Conference 'Ocean across boundaries - learning from each other', 13-15.09.2017, Kiel, Germany.
Scientific posters
  • Brzana R., Kłostowska Ż., Słomińska, M., Kendzierska H., Janas U., Kusza G. Benthic fauna assemblages under inflow of Vistula River estuary. 3rd Annual BONUS COCOA Meeting, 19-21.01.2016, Gdynia, Poland.
  • Kendzierska H., Borecka A., Słomińska, M., Janas U. How benthic fauna may affect substance fluxes in coastal biotopes of the Gulf of Gdańsk? 4th Annual BONUS COCOA Meeting, 23-26.01.2017, Warnemünde, Germany.
  • Borecka A., Słomińska, M., Kendzierska H., Tykarska M., Janas U. What is the role of the diversity of benthic fauna communities in the Gulf of Gdańsk? (In Polish) XXIV Polish Benthic Workshop „Benthos in Trophic Network”, 24-27.05.2017, Łukęcin, Poland.
  • Kendzierska, H., Janas, U., Łukawska-Matuszewska, K., Borecka, A., Słomińska, M. Sediment and fauna living in it - importance of functional diversity - example from Gulf of Gdańsk. 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress 'Living along gradients: past, present, future',12-16.06.2017, Rostock, Germany.
  • Janas. U., Kendzierska, H., Pryputniewicz-Flis, D., Burska, D., Łukawska-Matuszewska, K., Słomińska, M. Coastal biotopes as biofilters – importance of benthic macrofauna. BONUS SYMPOSIUM: Science delivery for sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources, 17-19.10.2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
  • Słomińska, M., Janas, U., Kendzierska, H., Burska, D., Pryputniewicz-Flis, D. Evaluation of the benthic fauna impact on the functioning of Puck Bay coastal biotopes. (In Polish). 1st Scientific Conference of Polish Sea Researchers, 19-20.10.2017, Sopot, Poland.

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