Selected Publications

L. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka

  1. Druet C., Dzierzbicka L., Zieli雟ki A., 1988, Numerical analysis of the influence of dynamic properties of vertically stratified basin upon the phytoplankton concentration in the sea, Kieler Meeresforschungen, Sonderheft, No 6, 272-281.
  2. Dzierzbicka L., Zieli雟ki A., 1989, Numerical analysis of the influence of the grazing effect on phytoplankton distribution function in a stratified sea , Proc. XVI Conf. Baltic Oceanographers, Institute of Marine Research, Kiel, 1, 353-366.
  3. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka, L., 1992, A two-dimensional mathematical model describing the phytoplankton distribution function in a stratified sea, Ekologia Polska, Vol. 40, No 3.
  4. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka, L., 1994, Numerical analysis of the influence of grazing on the two-dimensional distribution function of the phytoplankton concentration in a stratified sea, Oceanologia, No 36, 155-174.
  5. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., 1996, Mathematical modelling of chlorophyll a distribution function in a stratified sea, Ph.D. thesis, Uniw. Gda雟k, Gdynia, (in Polish).
  6. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., 1996, Mathematical modelling of chlorophyll a concentration in a stratified medium, Oceanologia, 38 (2), 153-193.
  7. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., Zieli雟ki A., 1996, Influence of the dynamics of turbulent layer on distribution of chlorophyll a in stratified sea, Ecol. Pol., 44, 3-4, 351-374.
  8. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., Zieli雟ki A., 1997a, Numerical studies of the influence of the benthic detritus pool on the chlorophyll a concentration in a stratified sea, Oceanologia, 39 (4), 339-376.
  9. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., Zieli雟ki A., 1997b, Numerical studies of the nutrient regeneration mechanism on the chlorophyll a concentration in a stratified sea, Oceanologia, 39 (1), 55-82.
  10. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., Zieli雟ki A., 1998a, An algorithm for calculating the concentration of phytoplankton in a stratified sea with respect to the daily migration of zooplankton, part 1. P-V-Z-D model , Oceanologia, 40 (4), 355-370.
  11. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., Zieli雟ki A., 1998b, An algorithm for calculating the concentration phytoplankton in a stratified sea with respect to the daily migration of zooplankton, part 2. Numerical simulation , Oceanologia, 40 (4), 371-398.
  12. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., 2000, Mathematical modelling of the biological processes in the upper layer of the sea, Rozprawy i monografie, 13, 1-124 (in polish).
  13. Dzierzbicka-G這wacka L., 2001, Numerical simulations of marine zooplankton dynamics and its interaction with other system components, Pol. J. Ecol., 49, 1, 3-18.

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