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This page presents diatoms living in North Sea sediments. All phytobenthic species are from material which was taken for COSA project.

SEM photos was made by courtesy of Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Specialy thanks to Georgia Klein for a great help.

Microphytobenthos is the name of microscopic bottom-living algae. Bottom in Sylt site is mostly muddy that is why bigger benthic diatoms dominates.

The Island of Sylt is located in the German Bight of the North Sea and encloses the Sylt/Romo Basin in the North Frisian Wadden Sea, Germany. The basin is a semi-enclosed lagoon, connected to the North Sea with a channel (the Lister Tief) in the north. The southern boundary of the basin is closed by a dam that connects the island with the main land.



Sylt site (COSA)


Auliscus sculptus